Extra curricular

Now ! We talking about EXTRA CURRICULAR of SMANDA
in SMANDA we have many extra curricular
the extra curricular we made for support the interest of students, SMA N 2 Semarang organize activity in outside from formal activity (teaching and learning) with hold extra curricular that can channel the hobby of students.
the extra curricular in SMA 2 Semarang among others, :

  1. scout
  2. youth red cross (PMR)
  3. cheerleaders
  4. English conversation club (ECC)
  5. dance
  6. basketball
  7. SADEWA's theater
  8. Islamic spiritual (ROHIS)
  9. inland Katolik faith (PIK)
  10. SASMA DWI PALA (nature lover)
  11. literature
  12. badminton
  13. Gajah Putih
  14. KIR
  15. choir

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